ADMA2024 Call for Posters

The 20th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA2024) will be held at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, during 3rd ~ 5th December 2024. ADMA2024 aims to bring together experts on data mining from around the world and provide a leading international forum for the dissemination of original research findings in data mining, spanning applications, algorithms, software, and systems, as well as different applied disciplines with potential in data mining.

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in this premier annual event by delivering poster presentations on your recent research work in the areas related to research and applications of data mining, whether it be completed and published work or work in progress (unpublished). The poster topics should be relevant to the ADMA2024 Themes and Topics as specified in the Call for Papers. The ADMA poster track aims to offer a platform and an inclusive opportunity for researchers and practitioners to share their scientific findings and receive feedback from the audience, which encourages inspiring exchanges among academics and professionals.

Poster Proposal Submission

The poster proposal, or extended abstract, submission portal:

  • When creating a poster proposal submission, the authors should first select the "Proposal & Abstract Track".

  • After populating the submission form with information like title, abstract, and authors, the proposer should tick the "Poster Proposal" option under "SUBJECT AREAS". Following this step correctly is important to ensure the poster proposal goes to the Poster Track Chairs for further management.

  • Upload the submission PDF file.

  • If you submit a poster proposal (or extended abstract) from a full paper submission accepted as a Poster or from an accepted spotlight paper, please specify the original submission ID to facilitate the matching; otherwise, input NA.

Important Dates

  Poster Proposal Deadline
1st November, 2024 (AoE) (Friday)

  Poster Notification Date
Within 2 weeks after submission

Poster Proposal Guidelines

Formatting Guidelines

  • An Extended Abstract as the poster proposal in PDF format of at most two pages should be submitted. The document should be prepared according to the template provided here. The extended abstract should provide the following information in an organised and informative way according to the template:

    • Title

    • Authors

    • Content (including Introduction, Method, Results, Conclusion, Acknowledgement if any, References)

  • The poster proposal should be submitted to ADMA2024 for review and management before the deadline.

  • The poster proposals, or extended abstracts, will NOT be included in the conference proceeding, but the accepted posters will be included in the conference program. Note that the extended abstracts of the posters already accepted from the full paper submissions will be included in the conference proceedings if submitted before 11:59 PM Sunday, 15th September 2024 (AoE) and registered before 11:59 PM Monday 14th October 2024 (AoE).

  • Note that for posters from full paper submissions accepted as Posters or from accepted spotlight papers, NO review procedure will be organised. However, the Extended Abstract should still be prepared according to the template, regardless of being included in the conference proceedings or not.

  • At least one of the presenters of an accepted poster must register in full and attend the conference to deliver the presentation during a poster session. Otherwise, the poster will not be included in the conference program.


All enquiries about posters should be emailed to the Poster Track Chairs via, with a subject starting with “[ADMA2024 Poster]”.

Tutorial Chairs

  • Dr. Huaming Chen, The University of Sydney, Australia
  • Dr. Mengdi Huai, Iowa State University, USA
  • Dr. Xiaoyong Li, National University of Defense Technology, China