Camera-Ready Submission Guidelines

Submission Portal (the same as that for your original submission)

Portal Link:

Submission Deadline

11:59pm Sunday 15th September 2024 (AoE)

Preparation and Submission Instructions

  • The camera-ready paper must NOT exceed 15 pages, including the main content, references, and appendix. Significant changes to the paper content and length are not allowed, but please revise your paper according to the review comments which you believe are helpful to improve the paper quality.
  • Please note that according to ADMA's author instructions, authors' names cannot be added or deleted, their order cannot be changed, and the corresponding author cannot be altered at this stage.
  • Ensure that it strictly adheres to the LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) format as per the author’s instructions which can be found here.
  • Both the final pdf copy (.pdf) and source files (.zip) of the camera-ready paper should be submitted.
    • The final paper should be a stand-alone pdf document. Please name your final pdf copy as "Paper XXX.pdf", where "XXX" is the paper ID you can find in the CMT submission system.
    • Final Source Files: A zip file containing all the source files. Please name it "Paper XXX – source", where "XXX" is the paper ID.
      • The LaTeX submission must include the .tex file and other format documents (such as .cls, .sty, etc.), special font files, images (such as .eps, etc.), bibliography .bib and .bbl files, etc. References should be supplied as bbl files to avoid omission of data while converting from bib to bbl. Please note that hyperlinks cannot be included in reference.
      • For Word or RTF format documents, please provide the complete document.
  • You also need to submit a signed pdf copy of the form of License to publish proceedings papers.
    • You can download the form here.
    • Please complete the form with the authors' details. The “Proposed Title of the Contribution” is the paper title.
    • Signed by hand by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors of the paper.
  • Please submit the above 2 pdf files and 1 zip file to the CMT submission system. Late submission will not be considered for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
  • Please ensure that all documents strictly follow the required format and are free of grammatical errors, and all parts of your submission are complete and accurate (The three files are mandatory from the publisher). Submissions with significant errors may not be included in the proceedings.
  • All submissions will undergo a plagiarism self-check. By submitting your final camera-ready version, you confirm that all contributions are original and have been checked for plagiarism.


For further assistance and any enquiries about camera-ready submissions, please contact Proceeding Co-Chairs via